Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Me-Made-March: Day 22, 26 & 27

Tag 22

Had to wear my new skirt I made the day before. It was as always fun to wear and I really like the look.

I had to take a break from Me-Made-March, because I was ill. It was no fun to feel sick, when weather outside is so nice. And because I have really no selfmade homewear (have to change this) there was no chance to continue Me-Made-March. So no photos for these three days.

Tag 26

My mother came for a visit. Fortunately I was well enough to go a little shopping. Got a new t-shirt (by Fifi Lapin) and shoes. I was a bit nervous about wearing the hat, but I have it for some time now and never wore it and this day I was in the mood to dress up. I got some compliments on my hat and my outfit, which made me really proud and happy to choose the hat. Oh, and I wear a hat, so my hair is still long, but it looked horrible after being sick.

Tag 27

Visited the fashion exhibition with my Mum again, because she asked for it. It´s so relaxing to visit an exhibiton with my Mum, because like me she has not to scan everything. We watch the things we like sometimes very long, but not every single piece that´s there. It was such a nice weekend. I really miss talking with my Mum for hours and hours about everything we want to. I know you will not read this, but I love you Mum!

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